After graduating from Istanbul Commerce University Faculty of Law, she worked in various law firms before founding C&B Law Office as a founding partner in 2013. Her areas of expertise include Labor Law, Inheritance Law, and Foreigners Law. She serves as an expert in Labor Law cases within the jurisdiction of Istanbul Courts. Additionally, she holds a Mediation certificate and specialized mediation certificates in Labor Law, Banking Law, Commercial Law, and Lease Disputes. She successfully manages the leadership of C&B Law Office’s departments of Labor Law, Inheritance Law, and Mediation Center.

After graduating from Istanbul Commerce University Faculty of Law, he served as a legal consultant in various internationally recognized firms. Subsequently, he completed his master’s degree in Criminal Justice at New York ASA College. In 2014, he joined C&B Law Office as one of the founding partners. His areas of expertise include International Cases, Commercial Law, Contract Law, Real Estate Law, and Family Law. Additionally, he handles cases related to International Child Abduction and the Return of Joint Children under the 1980 Hague Convention and is a member of the Kinderontvoering organization.
