the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey


The sale of a rented property during the lease term in Turkey can create legal uncertainties for both tenants and the new owner, highlighting the need to protect the legal rights of all parties involved. This process extends beyond mere ownership transfer under Turkish Real Estate Law, as it also has significant legal implications for the continuation of the lease agreement. Various legal provisions, particularly those in the Turkish Code of Obligations, regulate the rights and obligations of tenants and new owners when the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey.

When a rented property is sold in Turkey during the lease term, the primary issue to assess is whether the existing lease agreement remains binding on the parties under Turkish Contract Law. As a general rule, the transfer of ownership does not automatically terminate the lease agreement; instead, the new owner assumes the role of the landlord under the existing contract.

However, if the new owner intends to use the property for personal or close family use, they may have the right to file an eviction case after property sale in Turkey under the conditions specified by law. Therefore, both the terms of the lease agreement and the relevant legal provisions should be carefully examined to determine the rights and obligations of the parties after the rented property is sold in Turkey.


In the event of the landlord sells the rented property during the lease term in Turkey, the landlord should inform the tenant about the sales process, including all relevant details. The notification made by the new homeowner includes the new owner’s information and does not need to contain details such as the sale price of the property in the title deed or any annotations and declarations on the real estate. The tenant will continue to maintain their relationship with the new owner from the date of the sale. In this case, the rights of both new owner and tenants rights should be taken into consideration after the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey.

The tenant’s rental agreement will be considered transferred to the new owner along with the property sale in Turkey. Consequently, the new owner is required to uphold the tenants’ rights after a property is sold in Turkey arising from the rental agreement. The rental agreement is deemed to have been transferred under the same terms. The tenant must pay the rental fee specified in the rental agreement to the new owner and tenants’ rights after a property is sold in Turkey are protected by Turkish Code of Obligations.

After the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey during the lease term and the sale process is completed, the tenant can communicate directly with the new owner about the continuation of the rental agreement. The tenant must inform the new owner of the account number to which they will be paying their rent. The tenant must pay the rent and comply with all other terms of the rental agreement to the new owner to protect tenant rights after the property is sold in Turkey.


It is a common situation for tenants to face a change in the landlord of the property they are renting. In this case, tenants may wonder what a change in landlord means for them and what are the tenants’ rights after property is sold in Turkey. Can the new owner evict the tenant in Turkey ?

First of all, it should be noted that under the Turkish Code of Obligations, when a house that is being rented is sold, the new owner is bound by the rental agreement. Therefore, the tenant is not obliged to vacate the property after the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey.

However, an exception to this rule is the eviction case after property sale in Turkey that the new owner may file due to their own housing or workplace needs, their spouse’s, children’s, or ancestors’ housing or workplace needs. According to Article 351 of the Turkish Code of Obligations, the new owner may file an eviction case after property sale in Turkey.

This eviction case after property sale in Turkey is only for the new owner’s own use and is not a lawsuit for rental increase or finding new tenants for the property. In case of an eviction, the tenant must follow the legal process correctly and understand tenants rights’ when the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey to defend their rights with the help of a lawyer.

In conclusion, a tenant living in a sold house should be aware that the rental agreement will continue with the new owner and they do not have to vacate the property. However, if an eviction case after property sale in Turkey is filed due to the new owner’s housing needs after landlord sold the tented property, the tenant must act correctly to protect their rights.

Article 350 of the Turkish Code of Obligations – The lessor may terminate the lease agreement:

  1. If he/she is obliged to use the leased property for residential or business purposes due to the need of himself/herself, spouse, descendants, ascendants or other persons that he/she is legally obliged to take care of,
  2. If substantial repairs, expansions or changes are necessary for the reconstruction or development of the leased property and the use of the property is impossible during these works, the lessor may terminate the lease agreement by filing a lawsuit within one month from the date determined in accordance with the general provisions regarding termination periods and notification periods for leases, at the end of the specified term contracts or for indefinite term contracts.


When a rented property is sold in Turkey during the lease term, the new owner is bound by the existing lease agreement and does not have the right to unilaterally change its terms. Therefore, the lease agreement made with the previous owner remains valid, and the new owner must comply with the rate of rent increase after the property sale in Turkey specified in the contract.

According to the relevant provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, the transfer of a property ownership in Turkey does not terminate the lease relationship. Instead, the new owner assumes the same rights and obligations as the previous owner. Consequently, the new homeowner cannot demand a rent increase after the property sale in Turkey that is contrary to the lease agreement. If the new owner requests an unlawful rent increase, the tenant has the right to object.

However, if the current rent is significantly below market rates or if the lease agreement does not include a provision regarding rent increases, the new owner may file a rent determination lawsuit, provided that the legal conditions are met. In such a case, the court will assess the fair rental value based on comparable rents in the area and the terms of the lease agreement. Apart from this, if the landlord sells the rented property, the new homeowner cannot demand a rent increase after the property sale in Turkey in violation of the lease agreement, nor can they request the tenant’s eviction solely because the rent has not been increased.

eviction case after property sale in Turkey


Tenants often worry about whether a new landlord has the authority to evict them when the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey. In fact, a new landlord does not have the right to evict tenants of a property they have purchased in Turkey.

However, under certain conditions, a new landlord can evict a tenant after the property is sold in Turkey when they need the property for their own use. According to the Turkish Code of Obligations, a new owner can file a eviction case in Turkey against the tenant if all of the following conditions are met:

  • A person acquiring ownership of a rented property during the lease term in Turkey.

Acquisition can occur through means such as sale or donation, as well as through inheritance, compulsory execution, or court judgment. However, in cases of acquisition through registration, it is necessary for the new owner to have the registration completed for the change of ownership to be effective. This provision can also be applied to cases where properties are acquired through external means without title deeds.

  • The new owner has proven the need for the property for themselves, their spouse, their children, or their ancestors’ residential or business needs.

In cases where the new owner, their children, or ancestors need to reside in the rented property due to health reasons or other circumstances, the need for residential property can be considered. The concept of residential property should not be narrowly defined, and instead, the need should be evaluated extensively based on the new owner’s lifestyle, living conditions, and social status.

For the court to accept the need for residential property, it must be genuine and sincere. For example, if the new owner already has another property and has rented it out before filing the lawsuit, the need for residential property may not be considered sincere. The court hearing the eviction case will evaluate all objective and subjective criteria to determine whether the new owner’s need for residential property is genuine and sincere to eviction in Turkey.

In cases where the lessor, their spouse, children, or ancestors practice their profession or art as a tenant in someone else’s property, eviction can be requested if the new owner wants to expand their business, or if they need a porter’s lodge, parking, or storage space for business purposes. Eviction requests will be rejected if the new owner’s need for a business space is not genuine and sincere.

  • The new owner can request the evacuation of the rented property due to residential or commercial needs within one month from the date of acquisition by sending a warning letter.

The warning letter must be delivered to the tenant within one month from the date of the landlord sold the property, not just sent. In other words, the tenant must receive the warning within one month after the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey.

The Court of Cassation requires that the warning be delivered to the tenant, not just issued within one month from the date of acquisition. The day of acquisition should also be included when calculating the one-month period. If the warning letter is not delivered to the tenant within one month after landlord sold property in Turkey, the deficiency cannot be corrected later.

  • The new owner can file an eviction case after property sale in Turkey in six months.

The new owner can file an eviction case in six months after the purchase date. Lawsuits of eviction filed before the end of this six-month period are rejected. According to the Supreme Court, the timing of filing the lawsuit is not related to the six months following the acquisition date, and the lawsuit can be filed until the end of the contract.

In addition, the new owner can file an eviction case after property sale in Turkey based on the contract between the previous owner and the tenant at the end of the contract. In this case, the person who later acquires the rental property can also use the right to terminate the contract due to necessity and open a lawsuit within one month from the end of the contract period.

The answer to can the new owner evict the tenant in Turkey depends on the filing of an eviction lawsuit by the new owner, which is only possible under the conditions mentioned above. The new owner can not request the tenant’s eviction solely based on the fact that they have recently purchased the property. In order to evict the tenant after property is sold in Turkey, the new owner must base the eviction request on a claim of personal need.


As mentioned above, if the new owner evicts the tenant during the lease term without force majeure after property sale, they cannot rent out the evicted property to someone else for a period of three years. If the new owner violates this provision, they are obliged to pay compensation to the tenant in the amount of not less than the annual rent paid in the last rental year.

The provision that the person who orders the eviction may be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 6 months to 1 year under the previous regulation was abolished with the Turkish Code of Obligations Article 355.

If the new owner rents out the evicted property to someone else, they are only obliged to pay compensation to the tenant. However, in practice, it is required for the tenant to be evicted by enforcement for this condition to be met. Therefore, it is important to seek the support of a real estate lawyer in Turkey before initiating the legal process.

can the new owner evict the tenant in Turkey


Under Turkish law, the legal status of a party in a lease agreement, whether a foreigner or a Turkish citizen, does not alter the legal situation. Therefore, if a foreign tenant’s rented property is sold to another party, the general provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations apply. Since the rented property is located in Turkey, no separate legal procedure under foreigner law will apply and foreign tenant rights when the property is sold in Turkey will be protected.

According to Article 310 of the Turkish Code of Obligations, the lease agreement passes to the new owner of the property when the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey, regardless of whether the tenant is a foreigner or a Turkish citizen, and the new owner assumes the rights and obligations of the previous owner for the duration of the lease agreement.

However, if the new owner or a close relative needs to use the property, they may file an eviction case after property sale in Turkey under Article 351 of the Turkish Code of Obligations. In this case, the tenant may be asked to vacate the property, with a legal notice period provided. Therefore, the foreign tenant rights when the property is sold in Turkey are same as Turkish tenants, and the sale of the property does not automatically terminate the lease agreement in Turkey.


The eviction case after property sale in Turkey based on need to be filed following the sale of a rented property can be a complex legal and procedural process for both tenants and the new owner when the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey. Therefore, it is crucial to seek legal advice in Turkey to ensure the process is carried out smoothly and that the rights of both parties are protected.

A lawyer specializing in rental law can provide professional support in preparing the eviction lawsuit based on need in Turkey, completing the necessary documents accurately, and effectively managing the judicial process to safeguard the parties’ rights. Additionally, the lawyer can closely follow the legal procedures of the eviction case after property sale in Turkey, inform the client about their legal rights, and offer strategic guidance throughout the process.

By working with a lawyer, the lawsuit process can be conducted in accordance with procedural rules, ensuring the protection of both the tenant’s and the property owner’s legal rights. This is especially important in cases like eviction lawsuits based on need, which are subject to specific conditions under Turkish law, as following the correct procedures helps prevent potential loss of rights.

Eviction case after property sale in Turkey based on need is governed by strict procedural rules, and even a small mistake in the case can lead to the dismissal of the lawsuit, even if you are in the right. Therefore, it is important to work with an experienced and specialized rental law attorney in Turkey. Additionally, before seeking lawyer support, conducting research on the matter and considering costs before making a decision is crucial.

In conclusion, in cases when the landlord sells the rented property in Turkey, an eviction case based on need is a complex legal matter, and obtaining lawyer support is highly beneficial for both landlords and tenants.

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